quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Ok, first and foremost I did not read the book! 

Lately everyone seems to be scouting for the next great trilogy since the game changer in children and young adult fiction that was Harry Potter, followed by the Twilight and stretching to the (heavily based on Battle Royale but nevertheless good) Hunger games.

But fifty shades of Grey? It’s, for what I was able to find out, the story of a 21 year old virgin who gets in a relationship with her older, attractive and surly boss.
One of the oldest stories of the world that gets spiced up by little peeks into the sadomaso and bondage and dominating fantasies, all of it reported in first person by the woman perspective.

The author apparently told the NYtimes that though she might not be a great writer she knew how to spin a story.

I do believe that the story should supplant the writer’s ability to tell it. It allows passionate writers to do something good, something entertaining – it allows them to tell stories and I couldn’t be prouder of those few who take and change and do exactly that. So, I’m fine with her not being a great writer

And I’m glad a spicy kind of books that escapes the casual and usual reached all the tops. That’s ok. Why not? People should be more open and less frigid when experimenting new things. Bring on the cuffs and whips and what not!

However, I did pick one exemplar of the book and flipped around and... It’s just bad. It’s corny. It’s tinting with sex metaphors and overplayed hyperbolic words for heat and horny and simple orgasmic satisfaction.

I tried to spin it any other way, but I couldn´t - I just don´t like it.

On and all, get yourself an exemplar of "The story of O" and have fun….

terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012

Zombies....again? really?

I never got the whole zombie concept. Okis, living dead, dont die, wanna bite you. Ok, that I get it but why the hell do people like that? 

My opinion had a sudden flip after I read "Walking dead" and "World War Z", now a tv series and a soon to be movie. And i understood finally that the zombies in a zombie movies are really secundary. 

We don´t like the living walking corpses, we are fascinated though by possibilities and how we would deal with a new world where you have to Robison Crusoe your life while waking the hell of the zombies. Which care to take - hell, which friends to take - which weapon to choose, where to hide, how to get food.

So the comes another Resident Evil and ruins the entire thing......how many are there now? Is this number V...VI? I really don´t know and ever the main actress starts to piss me off whenever she says "I´m Alice" and there stares at you because the second neuron didn´t quiet catch the message!

And if you think I´m overreacting, here is the trailer:


Sucks! ( meaning the movie is bad and vampires are better....oh god, that was the worst pun ever...)

segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012


On the week that we will be presented to the last film of the great trilogy "Batman" directed by Christopher Nolan, we should remember the following:

- Nolan went back and brought batman as he should have been played, dark and dark and obcessed. heavily leaning on the work by Frank Miller - mainly Batman:year on - Nolan did a master piece;

- The first movie still lacked that small touch of strangeness of steel, being perhaps still a bit gadjects and costumes but the incredible performance by great old shcool actors supported it completly: Michael Kane, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman (the choice of Katie Holmes to join the cast was the only flaw);

- The second batman, the "Dark Knight" was flawless. No fear from Nolan in doing an almost 3 hour movie where the plot was great and everyone was fantastic specially the - I believe best and inimitable - Joker by Heath Ledger. We shall miss you;

- and now, in cheer jitterness from enthusiasm we wait for the last piece with the good news that empire just gave it the big five stars!


domingo, 15 de julho de 2012


Here´s the first post about a book.

Just so you have an idea of the background: I live in a country where the literate percentage of population must be close to zero. Books are really expensive, twice or three times the price I buy them on amazon. And yes, English isn´t my native language.....I´m sure the mistakes you found already or will find eventually will convey that particular point forward....also, I´m a bit dislexic...some words are just a jumble of words to me...so, that might be it also:P

Well, even so....George R.R. Martin is best known by his fantasy series "Song of ice and Fire", a magnum opus ( that means best work) of a couple of thousands pages which I read and loved to no end. MArtin whoever also wrote this book here - Fevre Dream - almost twenty years ago.

In three words, fevre dream is Vampires in Mississipi. Do you remember "Interview with the Vampire" featuring Banderas, Cruise and Pitt (and a very young Kirsten Dunst as the vampire daughter)? Well, this was written before that.

Martin has the talent to bring the great Mississipi to life: the damp haze of the river, the unquiet nights, runaway slaves and protuberante canines of pale gentleman waiting for them to slip to lung at them.  The writing is so dense but witty and flexible that after a bit you have that feeling that you ve been reading and feeling and smelling it for weeks now...

So, to make sure the point is clear: this is not twilight. This is Tom Sawyer if tom was a two hundred year old vampire hiding amidst the river waiting to kill someone to later on be seen on some saloon making courtsy to one of those blueyed NewOrleans Beauties.


This isn´t supposed to be a movies and series blog....but also it isn´t supposed to be "I´m going to think about what I´m gonna right blog" so....

Newsroom! The brand new series by Aaron Sorkin. If you don´t know Sorkin as a script writer he was the guy who one last year oscar for "The Social Network" and was the mind behind of of the greatest series ever "The West Wing".

If that doesn´t convince you it´s okay....but here is the cast list: Jeff Daniels, Dev Patel, Emily Mortimer...

if that doesn´t do it either that just watch the first five minutes to the big sorkin-like monologue of Jeff Daniels and try to hold at large the tinting Americanism of it, which I believe is Sorkin only flaw in his writing.

And if even so that doens´t do it for you......no point then mate, just go back to eating cheerios and seeing the real jersey housewives!


The link for IMDB for those who like the good old stats!

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

Spiderman Childhood

So, yesterday I went and saw spiderman....

Movies nowadays are expensive, so I´m doing my best to choose the ones I really want to see before I leave a kidney to pay for the large popcorns and soda....

But this is Spiderman. And aparently they did it right!

Forget what you know and blank your mind from the previous three movies (well, do shelf the image of Kirsten Dunst in the rain) but delete everything else....

I grew up with Spidey and seen him badly written and poorly drawn....and it was awful. But that was okay, because the good stories of Spiderman were worth the wait. The good stories propelled me to jump and ricochet on walls all over the house.

Andrew Garfield seems to get it. The guy who designed the movie seems to get it to. I´m not saying the filme is five-starer....its ins´t: it´s good fun and lots of action and nice puns here and there but on and all I would give it 3 stars, 3,5 maybe.

But they got it. They got how Peter Parker should be, how him being quiet or - okay maybe a nerd- doesn´t make him a complete moron. How there could be a nice and pretty girl to find him interesting even then. How you can look at him and think: this could be me.

Andrew Garfield was born to play the part and the guy is awsome in it. I love they brought back Gwen Stacy and not embarassed to admit that when she died on the comics I almost cried (yeah, this was geeky right there, see the diference?:P)

Spider man and Peter Parker isn´t about swinging around the city and getting the girl...though that would be nice also....no, Spidey and Peter is all about hope.

Hope that even without a spider biting you, you can be special somewhat - you can be yourself.

Good luck with it!