quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

Spiderman Childhood

So, yesterday I went and saw spiderman....

Movies nowadays are expensive, so I´m doing my best to choose the ones I really want to see before I leave a kidney to pay for the large popcorns and soda....

But this is Spiderman. And aparently they did it right!

Forget what you know and blank your mind from the previous three movies (well, do shelf the image of Kirsten Dunst in the rain) but delete everything else....

I grew up with Spidey and seen him badly written and poorly drawn....and it was awful. But that was okay, because the good stories of Spiderman were worth the wait. The good stories propelled me to jump and ricochet on walls all over the house.

Andrew Garfield seems to get it. The guy who designed the movie seems to get it to. I´m not saying the filme is five-starer....its ins´t: it´s good fun and lots of action and nice puns here and there but on and all I would give it 3 stars, 3,5 maybe.

But they got it. They got how Peter Parker should be, how him being quiet or - okay maybe a nerd- doesn´t make him a complete moron. How there could be a nice and pretty girl to find him interesting even then. How you can look at him and think: this could be me.

Andrew Garfield was born to play the part and the guy is awsome in it. I love they brought back Gwen Stacy and not embarassed to admit that when she died on the comics I almost cried (yeah, this was geeky right there, see the diference?:P)

Spider man and Peter Parker isn´t about swinging around the city and getting the girl...though that would be nice also....no, Spidey and Peter is all about hope.

Hope that even without a spider biting you, you can be special somewhat - you can be yourself.

Good luck with it!

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